- This is test_file_1.html - as of 01/29/23

This function of this file is to document the structure of the website. It is kept as a link on the "-heading.html" file.

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Stacy House test file to checkout the "-heading.html" file.

Each section of the website should have a separate by the following names:

where in 'xxxx' will be replaced with a '-section name':

The 'section namess' will be:


The website is located on an Earthlink server. It is updated by an FTP utility called "Transmit". The parameters to the website are as follows:

    Hostname = ftp.stacyhouse.com
    Username = stacyhouse.com
    Password = Stacy@12
    Port = 21

    All files are put in the 'public" directory on the server

Website structure can me 'measured by clicking on this link: Measure website structure